2013.8— 至今,郑州大学材料学院副教授、教授,硕士生/国际博士生导师
2012.7 - 2013.8 多伦多大学机械工业工程学院(Chul B Park院士组)访问学者
2011.6 郑州大学材料加工工程专业毕业,获工学博士学位
Composites Part A, Cellulose, Biomacromolecues等期刊同行评议审稿人,Polymers客座编辑
1. L Fu, K Li, H Qin, JJ Hou, XL Zhang*, GJ He, BC Liu, CX Ren, JB Chen. Sandwich structured iPP/CNTs nanocomposite foams with high electromagnetic interference shielding performance. Composites Science and Technology. 2022, 220: 109297.
2. KL Zuo, JW Xu, SP Xie, SX Zhang, JJ Hou*, Y Yang, XL Zhang*, JB Chen*. Improving the foaming ability and mechanical properties of polypropylene random copolymer by adding isotactic polypropylene fiber. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2021, 170: 105161.
3. YS Zhao, JJ Hou, ZY Bai Y Yang, XQ Guo, HR Cheng, ZS Zhao, XL Zhang*, JB Chen, CY Shen. Facile preparation of lightweight PE/PVDF/Fe3O4/CNTs nanocomposite foams with high conductivity for efficient electromagnetic interference shielding. Composites Part A, 2020, 139: 106095.
4. L Fu, QK Shi, YX Ji, GL Wang, XL Zhang*, JB Chen, CY Shen, CB Park. Improved cell nucleating effect of partially melted crystal structure to enhance the microcellular foaming and impact property of isotactic polypropylene. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2020, 160: 104794.
5. XL Zhang*, WD Ding, E Chang, XF Chen, JB Chen*, CB Park*, CY Shen. Foaming behaviors and mechanical properties of injection- molded polylactide/cotton- fiber composites. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59: 17885-17893.
6. HR Cheng, SN Wei, YX Ji, JS Zhai, XL Zhang*, JB Chen, CY Shen. Synergetic effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles and carbon on flexible poly (vinylidence fluoride) based films with higher heat dissipation to improve electromagnetic shielding. Composites Part A, 2019, 121: 139-148.
7. XL Zhang*, BW Li, XH Wang, K Li, G Wang, JB Chen*, CB Park. Modification of iPP microcellular foaming behavior by thermal history control and nucleating agent at compressed CO2. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018, 133: 383-392.
8. XL Zhang*, WD Ding, N Zhao, JB Chen, CB Park*. Effects of compressed CO2 and natural cotton fibers on the crystallization and foaming behaviors of PLA and PLA/cotton composites. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57: 2094-2104.
9.《塑料吹塑成型速查手册》,机械工业出版社,ISBN: 978-7-111-30900-0, 2010.7,第一主编
10.《塑料加工和模具专业英语 英汉对照版》,化学工业出版社, ISBN:978-7-122-01052-0,2007.9,第一编译
1. 河南省科技厅重点攻关项目“聚丙烯挤出性能在线调控技术与装备(222102520008)”,2022-2023,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委项目“结晶聚合物部分熔融熔体有序结构及在流场中的演变(11872338) ”,2019-2022,第一参与人
3. 华南理工大学广东省重点实验室开放课题“聚乳酸结构熔体的发泡性能研究(2021kfkt06)”,2021-2022,主持
4. 四川大学教育部重点实验室军工开放课题“轻质多层聚合物基微孔电磁屏蔽复合材料及应用”,2021-2022,主持
5. 河南省科技厅重点攻关项目“iPP挤出发泡成型泡孔调控技术与装备(192102210024)”,2019-2020,主持
6. 河南省教育厅重点科研项目“超临界CO2条件下聚乳酸/棉纤维复合材料的结晶和微孔发泡行为研究(15A430049) ”,2015-2016,主持
7. 国家自然科学基金委项目“振荡剪切场中聚合物熔体的有序与结晶 (11372284) ”, 2014-2017,第二完成人
8. 国家自然科学基金委项目“剪切场中聚合物有序熔体的结构演变与结晶行为 (11172272) ”,2012-2015,第二完成人
9. 河南省科技厅基础与前沿研究项目“剪切场中亚麻纤维/聚丙烯复合材料的结晶形态结构演化 (122300410278) ”,2012-2013,主持