2024年9月4日,国际安全运输协会中国委员会(ISTA中国)联合Interfoam China 2024上海国际发泡材料技术工业展览会,将于上海新国际博览中心组织召开包装用发泡材料的物流供应链降本与回收再利用论坛。同期举办2024 ISTA 中国年会及2024 ISTA中国运输包装设计大赛总决赛,旨在有机协同产业链上下游企业,构筑互利共赢的产业链合作体系,围绕以发泡材料在包装领域的循环利用、降本增效等一系列创新应用及解决方案。
Introduce SF's experience and practices in packaging circular recycling.
Innovations in circular packaging solutions and research on circular standards.
Protective packaging such as inflatable bubble packaging materials green reduction new product release, transportant packaging LCA report sharing, traditional transport protective packaging materials polyethylene Ethafoam and polyurethane Instapak green transformation.
Plastic pollution has become a global priority sustainable development issue along with global warming. Major economies and brands have also prioritized this topic in their respective policies and commitments. The Fourth Session of the Negotiations on an International Instrument to End Plastic Pollution (INC4) was held in Canada at the end of April this year. It focused on the design of plastic products and packaging, and the restricted use of materials and chemicals. It demonstrated the ambition of the United Nations Environment Programme to end plastic pollution. During the negotiation process, it also demonstrated the complexity of the supply chain and the challenges of implementation in reality. For example, foam plastic packaging is proposed as a banned material in the draft by many member states, but at the same time, the raw material enterprise alliance has made the industry's voice. Therefore, how to actively respond to regulatory challenges and self-innovation is imperative for the foam plastic industry.
1. 联合国环境署塑料污染谈判对发泡塑料包装的影响
2. 产业链在应对变成中的挑战与机遇
1. The impact of the UN Environment Programme's plastic pollution negotiations on foaming plastic packaging
2. Challenges and opportunities in the industry chain in dealing with changes
The era is undergoing changes, and the collection industry is gradually transitioning from a "trade oriented" to a "service-oriented". Today, while major brand companies are discussing sustainable development, ESG, and corporate social responsibility, how should foam materials, especially foam packaging, be collected & recycled? How to help their clients achieve sustainable development goals? How to create innovative profit models for our own business at the same time? This report will provide some insights from other types of packaging waste collection models.
1. 例举10多种包装物的回收案例,对其进行矩阵分析
1. List over 10 collection cases of packaging materials and conduct matrix analysis on them,
2. Compare 5 collection modes and align them with suitable rows for comparative analysis,
3. Provide inspiration for the collection of foam materials (packaging)
I will mainly introduces the commonly used foaming materials for transportation packaging of household appliances. At the same time, EPS foam is the most commonly used cushioning packaging material in the entire household appliance industry because of its high compressive strength, excellent cushioning performance, good processing performance and low cost. How to design the cushioning structure of EPS foam through CEA simulation technology, and how to carry out lightweight and thin design innovation of EPS foam have become the direction of our continuous research and breakthrough.
1. 家电运输包装常用包装材料介绍。
2. EPS缓冲包装设计优化创新。
3. 欧美国家禁塑应对措施。
1. Introduction to commonly used packaging materials for home appliance transportation packaging.
2. EPS cushioning packaging design optimization and innovation.
3. Measures taken by European and American countries to ban plastic production.
2024年9月5-6日,2024运输包装技术组织年会暨2024 ISTA中国年会将作为Interfoam China 2024 同期活动于上海南翔温德姆酒店举办,旨在讨论最新的国际法规及政策、可持续性运输包装解决方案等话题,共创中国运输包装高质量发展盛世。
*Interfoam China 2024展商可获得优惠参会名额800元/人
ISTA中国将于2024年9月4日Interfoam China 2024现场举办2024 ISTA中国运输包装设计大赛总决赛,为制造业提供运输包装技术参考、案例积累和采购方案,同时提升中国运输包装设计师从业人员在行业中的职业价值,并为其创造展现专业技能的机会。
Interfoam China 2024同期举办“重新定义发泡材料”第四届发泡材料及应用高峰论坛,点击了解详情!